Aloha Quilters of Kona is composed of quilters working in both traditional and Hawaiian styles. This group meets informally on the THIRD Saturday of each month beginning at 9:30 a.m., except December, at Queen Emma Center, Christ Church Episcopal in Kealakekua. Bring a lunch, ideas for projects, show and tell items, something to work on, a sewing machine (with extension cord) if you wish. Be there or be square – or both! Open to everyone, including new members, novice quilters, or "old hands." Call Eileen at (808) 328-8027 or Trudy at (907) 831-0834 for detials and driving directions.
Ka Hui Kapa O Waimea was formed to promote the arts and culture of Hawaii Nei, especially the art of Hawaiian quilting. They meet at St. James Church in Waimea (Kawaihae Road across from Waimea Park) on the last Saturday of each month, except November, December and January. During those holiday months, they meet on the third Saturday of the month. The meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. and lasts until about 11:30 a.m.; then there is a break for a potluck lunch. There is usually a brief meeting. It is a mixed group of seniors and younger ladies, even one in eighth grade. Anyone is welcome to come visit or bring something to work on. The group usually works on their Hawaiian quilts, although we have heard that some of Kupuna bring their small projects then surprise everyone with a big finished Kapa that they have been working on at home. For more information call Cyndy at (808) 938-5728.
Mauna Kea Quilters, started in 1997, are a group of patchwork quilters who enjoy sharing their love of quilting with others and helping our community. Each year Mauna Key Quilters donate many quilts to help raise money for worthwhile organizations such as Malalai (The Culinary Garden of Waimea Middle School) and Relay for Life. It has provided quilts to the police/fire department and North Hawaii Community Hospital for those in need. Mauna Kea Quilters welcome you to attend its monthly meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon in the meeting room of the Thelma Parker Memorial Library in Waimea. There is always a business meeting, show and tell, and usually a demonstration or class at each meeting as well. For more information call Becky Parkinson at (808) 937 2159.