Exclusive Fabrics (only available at Quilt Passions)
Hawaiian Fabrics
Ocean Themed Fabric
Sea Shells
Trans-Pacific Traditional Hibiscus Fabric TKI 002206 Royal
Trendtex (AT190119) 48017 Red
Hoffman BBKT-194 Red/White
FreeSpirit Alfred Shaheen Hawaiian Prints Pineapple Lei (AS08) Blue
Trendtex 43454 ( HS-026) Slate
Trendtex 48015 (NL- 181265) Forest
Trendtex 43415 ( FS-003) Navy
Trendtex 43412 (AA007R) Teal
Hoffman 1087-5 Red
Trendtex 43450 (ST-501R) Brown
Trans-Pacific LJ-187 Black
Tropical Paradise by Whistler Studios (53929-4)
Trendtex 43436 (GL-010) Teal
Deep Blue Sea Dolphins -- Timeless Treasures CD1975 Blue
Hoffman BBKT 1087 Ivory
Trans Pacific Textiles LW-23-866 Red/Black
Trans Pacific Textiles YU-1950 Turquoise
Sounding by Castilleja Cotton - Kit
Quilt Passions Blue Tropical Fabric - (New 2021)
Under the Sea With Me - Humuhumu-nukunuku-a-pua'a by Barbara Bieraugel
Under the Sea With Me -Moorish Idol by Barbara Bieraugel
$10.95 - $44.95
Sounding by Castilleja Cotton